Two Month Update: Getting Settled
Hello, and thank you, to those of you who support us through financial giving and through prayer support, and even those of you who have simply encouraged us with kind words. We wanted to let you know what we have been up to the last 2 months and how we are settling into Chiang Rai.
First, Liz has started teaching at Chiang Rai International School, a school with students from all across Asia, Europe, and the U.S. Her classes are going great, the kids at her school are ridiculously cute (there are three levels of Kindergarten in the Thai school system so kids start at age 3), and she is getting the opportunity to both encourage kids and teachers who are Christians and to witness to those who are not.
She is also an active member of the worship team here at Baan Athitaan Church and a teacher at Grace Language School. At the time of this writing, we just finished Sunday morning service and she led the singing this morning. She also teaches a Level 3 English class two nights a week.
I am primarily spending my time learning Thai, teaching English, spending time with the staff and university students, assisting Liz's dad with writing projects, and continuing my pastoral/theological studies (at a slower pace). I also play soccer on Wednesday nights with a group of guys from the community and preach/teach when the opportunity arises (I will be preaching about the Great Commission two Sundays from now during service.)
We are also excited because we found a house a few weeks ago and have officially moved into it. It is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in a gated community, and it costs the equivalent of $300 a month in U.S. money (you have to love prices in Thailand)! We had a housewarming party on the 27th and had a bunch of friends over.
Things are really busy, and it is admittedly difficult to get used to the pace of life, but the outcomes are extremely rewarding. There is nothing as rewarding to me as to see people from unreached people groups meet Jesus and grow in their relationship with him. Just this last week, 2 girls made the decision to follow Jesus-- they are only 2 of 5 that have done so in the past few months!!
Again, thank you! Here are some ways you can pray for us: 1. Pray for my language learning, and Liz's as well
2. Pray that we can find balance in our lives with the workload we have
3. Pray that God would gift us for all the tasks we are involved with
Also, here are some ways that I am praying for Thailand. You can join with me by praying for:
1. For millions of people all across this land to meet Jesus and experience the power of God in their lives
2. For God to raise up many Thai men to pastor and plant churches and teach the Bible
3. For every town and every village and every section of every city to have at least 1 healthy church
4. That disciples would continue to be made all around this region and for other countries' governments in this part of the world to give their people religious freedom
5. For the Bible to be fully and faithfully translated into the native languages around this part of the world that do not yet have the full canon of Scripture
6. For schools of theology who love and believe the Bible to be started across this part of the world to train pastors, missionaries, and Bible teachers in their own language
7. That Thai Christians would get a passion and vision for adoption and orphan-care
8 That Thai Christians would learn how to be Thai and also be Christian, knowing what parts of their culture they can keep and which parts they should reject.